Observation of World Wildlife Day at Loyola College of Social Sciences

On 04-03-2024, Bhoomithrasena club of Loyola college organized World Wildlife Day observation. The documentary filim on human wildlife conflict-Kaliru were screened and a poster competetion also conducted. Following the screening of the documentary, a discussion session was conducted to facilitate dialogue among participants. Topics discussed included the significance of World Wildlife Day, human - wildlife conflict, challenges facing wildlife conservation, and actionable steps individuals can take to contribute to conservation efforts.

Abhisa S- second year MSW won the first prize (1000 rupees and a certificate), Prince VB- second year MA Sociology won second prize (500 rupees and certificate) and Gowri Priya - first year MA Sociology won the third prize (250 rupees and certificate) in the poster competition on human-wildlife conflict. Dr. Joice K Joseph welcomed the gathering and Dr. Saji P Jacob, principal inagurated the event.

The BMC activities on World Wildlife Day provided an engaging platform for participants to learn about various wildlife conservation issues and initiatives. It served as a reminder of the critical importance of protecting our planet's biodiversity and the role each individual can play in conservation efforts.

Programme Expenditure

Sl Particulars Amount
1 Prize 1750
2 Printing 50
3 Refreshments 700
Total 2500

Programme Photos

Report of the programme  Download