Bhoomithrasena Club (BMC), the army of nature lovers, is a club of SH College that essentially stands for the Nature and strives for pressuring it in all its sanctity. The idea of BMC was conceived by the Directorate of Environment and Climate change, Govt. of Kerala. The club functions by propagating the needs for nature-conservation among the youth. Seminars, debates, field visit, intercollegiate competitions, nature camps, cleanliness drives and many more activities that would instill the gravity of nature-conservation, are conducted by the club. The club is known for its cause-centric ventures and effective implementation. The National Seminar conducted annually is the major highlights of the club .The club also widens its horizon by tending a helping hand to the needy in the society and thus offer you a great platform to empathize with the struggling once around you. On a nutshell, the BMC fulfilled by hard works and unit, is one among the best platforms for you to discover the love for nature in you. This prestigious club has been spearhead by Dr. Midhun Dominic C.D, Asst. Professor, Department of Chemistry and Dr. Deepak D Prabhu, Asst. professor, Department of Chemistry.