About Paristhithimithram Award
Paristhithimithram Awards are instituted by Directorate of Environment and Climate Change in order to honor individuals and institutions who have exhibited outstanding performance in the field of environmental conservation in the state of Kerala.
There are six categories of award. Among those, four are individual awards and two are for organizations. The categories include Print Media Journalist, Visual Media Journalist, Environmental Researcher, Environmentalist, Environmental Conservation Institution and Local Self Government (LSG). The award includes Rs. 1,00,000/- prize money, certificate and a memento.
For individual category awards, applicants should be Indian citizens who work in Kerala. For organization category awards, the organizations/institutions should be located within the state of Kerala.
For individual category awards, self-nominations are not allowed. Instead, individuals in respective fields can nominate deserving candidates for the awards. Individuals who are involved in environmental conservation activities without commercial interest and profit motive are only eligible for awards.
The nominating individual or organization should submit a brief biography of the nominee in less than 2 pages including the nominated activities, newspaper clips and videos along with the application. Two references who know the nominated activities of the individuals or organization in person should be also submitted along with the application.
For the individual award categories, the proposer should submit an affidavit along with the application that the individual nominee has not influenced the nominator to suggest their names for the award applications and is not a relative of the proposer.
Though all the award categories consider the activities of individuals or organizations so far, priority will be given to activities of the award year.
The award nominations will be evaluated and decided by an Award Selection Committee constituted by the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change and the committee’s decision is final.
The application will be rejected if the Award Selection Committee has found that the given details in the application are incorrect or fake.
If the Award Selection Committee finds that two nominations have equal contribution in any of the categories, the prize money will be equally shared with both. If the committee finds that none of the applications are eligible in a category, the committee has the right to cancel that year’s award in that category.